
Onspring and Unified Compliance Host Webinar: On Beyond Compliance

October 25, 2019 | News/Articles

Nov 19, 2019 01:00 PM in Central Time, 11:00 am Pacific Time, 2:00 pm Eastern Time

Leveraging Extended UCF Content in Your Compliance Program

The Unified Compliance Framework® (UCF®) provides comprehensive regulatory content that supports the establishment of a structured and manageable regulatory compliance program. While the most fundamental elements of their data set - Authority Documents, Citations, and Common Controls - can serve as the foundation for these programs, the UCF goes beyond by providing a rich set of contextual information that allows you to expand your organization's ability to promote understanding and ownership of the program to all impacted parties.

In this webinar, we will cover the following topics:

· Provide an overview of the UCF's Common Controls Hub offering, including new developments and features
· Revisit the fundamental aspects of leveraging the UCF in the Onspring platform
· Identify the content and guidance within the Common Controls Hub that enables you to present a richer view of your compliance program

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