
Release Notes 08.30.17

August 30, 2017 | News/Articles

Updates to UCF Mapper will be released between 3:00 - 4:00 PM Pacific time today.
We do not expect any production downtime, unavailability, inability to use the application.

Improved Features

  • UCF Mapper: New Tagging step
    Added a new step right after term tagging and right before definition selection: Drag and drop the following tagged terms into a coherent sentence that begins with a Primary Verb then a Primary Noun.
  • UCF Mapper: Personal Task Dashboard
    Added Personal Task tabs for completed and active tasks to the Dashboard graph.
  • Research: New Element pages
    Added Search pages for the following elements: Configuration Settings, Configuration Methods, Compliance Documents, Data Contents, Record Categories, and Groups.

If you have any questions or concerns about this update, please contact

The UCF Team